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Vermont’s and Upstate New York’s Most Complete, Locally-Owned Home Centers


Vermont’s Most Complete, Locally-Owned Home Center

Vermont’s Most Complete, Locally-Owned Home Center

Vermont and Upstate New York’s Most Complete

Locally-Owned Home Centers

Find Everything You Need

for Your Building or Remodeling Project

Your project might call for lumber, paint, hammers, saws, or new flooring to create a beautifully remodeled kitchen or that much-needed addition or new home. Sticks & Stuff and Swanton Lumber has six store locations ready to serve the communities throughout Vermont, New York, New Hampshire and even Quebec. We are building suppliers for any skill level, from professional contractors to do-it-yourselfers with home improvement projects. Every customer deserves high-quality products and services to ensure the best possible results and ensuring long-lasting beauty and durability. Whether you need new tile for your bathroom or replacing your old, drafty windows, you can trust our expertise when searching our extensive inventory.

sticks and stuff store front

Customer Satisfaction Since 1914

Sticks and Stuff‘s and Swanton Lumber teams of professionals include an outside sales team, estimating department, and many other building product and service experts ready to help you. We apply our commitment to quality to our products and the staff we employ at all our locations. We are Vermont’s most complete, locally-owned home center with six locations providing reliable services and outstanding products varying from nuts and bolts to plumbing essentials.

boom truck outside derby store

High-Quality Products Available

Whatever your home improvement project calls for, reach out to us to find the perfect building products and services to complete it. Our locations carry selections of top-quality components and materials in various departments, from hammers and nails to countertops and electrical devices. Choose from our wide array of flooring options suitable for any room in your home. Finish your deck, walls, and furnishings with quality paints and stains. If you need new doors or windows, we have custom-made and name-brand options to fit your dimensions. Take care of your plumbing needs with our pipes, fixtures, and other products. We even have a collection of power tools for all your home improvement and building needs.

We Are Ready to Serve You

Planning and executing a successful home improvement project depends on professional expertise and top-quality products and materials. Whether you are remodeling a bathroom, updating your wall colors, or completing your renovated first floor with hardwood flooring, turn to the experts at Sticks and Stuff and Swanton Lumber. We are ready to serve you at our locations in St. Albans, Enosburg, Middlesex, Derby, Rouses Point NY and Swanton Lumber.

Sticks & Stuff and Swanton Lumber

6 Convienent Locations

St. Albans
Swanton Lumber
Rouses Point


Hours of Operation –