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The most recent Round Up for Change resulted in donations to amazing local organizations. Customers can choose to round up their sale to the nearest dollar and that is then that total is  matched by Sticks&Stuff.

Thanks to you, one penny, nickel, dime and quarter a time you have been a part of making a difference in your communities in St. Albans and Derby.  A huge thank you to all the customers for their on going generosity.

$1,578.50 was awarded in Derby to the North Country Career Center

The North Country Career Center, NCCC offers each student the opportunity to participate in quality technical education programs, whether the goal is to pursue post-secondary education and training or move directly into the workplace. All NCCC instruction includes classroom, lab and applied learning experiences using state-of-the-art industry-based equipment. Programs cover a broad range of industries and offer dual enrollment college classes, articulation to post high school opportunities, Industry Recognized Credentials (IRC), and work-based learning experiences to qualified students.

$1,336.10 was awarded in St. Albans to Martha’s Community Kitchen

When you rounded up your purchase, you made it possible for Martha’s Community Kitchen to meet the basic needs of food and companionship while offering hope through compassionate service.

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